Why is camp so important for kids?

Sometimes, we get asked, “Why is camp so important, anyway?” Summertime is the only months of the year that can divide the haves and the have-nots. But we’ll let the experts weigh in.

Expert perspectives

Some of our most cherished childhood memories of summers past revolve around our summer camp experience.

Long days of carefree joy. However, as adults we can understand and appreciate that summer camp is not just about fun and games, and the lack of school. Summer camp provides so much more, it offered manifold developmental benefits. These opportunities are in the domains of physical, social emotional development as well as leadership.

Shmuel Mandelman, PhD Psychologist serving Brooklyn

Summer camp is not just about fun and games, and not being in school. The developmental benefits of summer camp are manifold. Beyond offering respite from the challenges that school represents for so many, it offers unique opportunities for development. These opportunities are in the domains physical, social emotional and leadership. Children who are denied this opportunity due to lack of resources are being denied a critical part of childhood.

Shmuel Mandelman, PhD Psychologist serving Brooklyn

Our Board

Community leaders, doers, and people with heart, coming together for our children.

Rabbinical Advisors

Rabbi Heshy Hirth Z"L

Yeshiva Mekor Baruch / Bnos Bracha of Passaic

Rav Ezriel Jurkansky

R"M Yeshiva Gedolah Torah Temima

Rav Moshe Tuvia Lieff

Rav of Agudah of Ave L


R’ Ahron Shain

R’ Dov Hamel

Board of Directors

Avromi Sax

Chaim Abramson

Dr. Sruly Deutsch

J.J. Bistricer

Mendy Josefovic

Shaya Ackerman

Sruli Werdiger

Yossi Deutsch

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Camp is more than just camp; it provides children with essential socialization opportunities, keeps communities safe, and so much more.